Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Star Sports Resort Pool Picture Disney

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 "Splashes of Fun: Capturing Memories at Disney's All-Star Sports Resort Pools"

When it comes to family vacations, there's nothing quite like the magic of Walt Disney World Resort in Orlando, Florida. And at Disney's All-Star Sports Resort, the enchantment extends beyond the theme parks to the resort's own recreational havens, including its vibrant and playful pools. In this comprehensive guide, we'll dive into the world of Disney's All-Star Sports Resort pools, providing you with tips for taking the best poolside pictures and answering frequently asked questions to ensure your family captures every watery moment of fun.

Disney's All-Star Sports Resort Pools: A Splash of Magic

Disney's All-Star Sports Resort is part of the All-Star Resorts collection, where sports and Disney magic come together to create an unforgettable vacation experience. The resort offers three uniquely themed pool areas, each designed to immerse you in the excitement of sports. Let's explore these pools, their themes, and the perfect spots for capturing those unforgettable moments.

Surfboard Bay Pool: Ride the Waves of Fun

Theme: Surf's up at the Surfboard Bay Pool! This pool area is inspired by the laid-back atmosphere of a beachside surf club, complete with giant surfboards and beach-themed decorations.

Perfect Photo Spots:

The Surfboard Wall: At the entrance of the pool area, you'll find a vibrant wall adorned with surfboard decals. It's an excellent spot for taking colorful group photos or solo shots.

Under the Palm Trees: Lounge chairs nestled under swaying palm trees provide a relaxed, tropical backdrop for candid shots of your family enjoying the sun.

Poolside Shots: Capture action shots of your little ones as they make a splash in the pool or go down the twisting water slide.

Grand Slam Pool: Baseball Fun in the Sun

Theme: The Grand Slam Pool is a home run for baseball enthusiasts, featuring larger-than-life baseball equipment, including bats, mitts, and a Goofy-shaped pitcher's mound.

Perfect Photo Spots:

The Baseball Bat Columns: The pool area is surrounded by columns shaped like baseball bats. Use these unique structures to frame your family photos.

Goofy's Pitcher's Mound: Pose with Goofy as he takes the mound. It's a fun and iconic spot to capture your little sluggers.

In the Pool: Get shots of your family enjoying a game of pool basketball or splashing around in the pool's refreshing waters.

Center Court Pool: Hoops and Dunks Galore

Theme: Center Court Pool celebrates the exhilaration of basketball, with a giant basketball hoop as its centerpiece and basketball court-themed decor throughout the area.

Perfect Photo Spots:

Under the Hoop: Stand beneath the giant basketball hoop and shoot upwards to create a dramatic and playful photo.

The Basketball Court: The adjacent basketball court is an excellent place for action shots. Capture your family members attempting slam dunks or practicing their dribbling skills.

Chill Zone: Lounge chairs around the pool provide a relaxed atmosphere for candid photos of your family taking a break between games.

Photography Tips for Picture-Perfect Moments

To ensure your Disney's All-Star Sports Resort pool pictures are a slam dunk, consider these photography tips:

Golden Hour: The hour just after sunrise and before sunset offers soft, warm lighting that enhances your photos. Plan your poolside photo sessions during these times for the best results.

Rule of Thirds: Divide your frame into thirds both horizontally and vertically. Place your subjects at the intersections for visually appealing compositions.

Candid Shots: Some of the best photos capture genuine, unposed moments. Be ready with your camera to catch spontaneous smiles and laughter.

Details Matter: Don't forget to zoom in on the small details that make the pool areas unique, like themed decorations, signs, and architectural features.

Underwater Camera: If you have a waterproof camera or phone case, consider taking underwater shots for a different perspective of your family's pool adventures.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: Are lifeguards present at Disney's All-Star Sports Resort pools?

A1: Yes, Disney provides lifeguards at all of its resort pools, including those at Disney's All-Star Sports Resort, to ensure the safety of all guests.

Q2: Can I use pool toys and floats at the resort's pools?

A2: Yes, you can bring your own pool toys and floats to use at the resort's pools, as long as they don't disrupt other guests or obstruct walkways.

Q3: Is there a separate pool for adults-only at the resort?

A3: Disney's All-Star Sports Resort does not have a designated adults-only pool. All pool areas are family-friendly and suitable for guests of all ages.

Q4: Are towels provided at the pools, or should I bring my own?

A4: Complimentary towels are provided at the resort's pool areas, so there's no need to bring your own.

Q5: Is poolside dining available at Disney's All-Star Sports Resort?

A5: While there are no poolside dining options at the resort, you can enjoy Quick-Service dining at the food court for a variety of meal and snack options.

Q6: Can I use the pools at Disney's All-Star Sports Resort if I'm not staying there?

A6: Access to the resort's pools is typically reserved for registered guests staying at Disney's All-Star Sports Resort. However, during non-peak times, Disney may occasionally allow non-resort guests to use the pools for a fee.

Disney's All-Star Sports Resort pools offer a fantastic backdrop for capturing memorable moments during your Disney vacation. Whether your family is diving into the action, lounging poolside, or posing by themed decorations, these vibrant and playful pool areas provide the perfect setting for fun and memorable photos that will preserve your magical Disney experience for years to come. So, pack your camera, don your swimsuits, and get ready to make a splash at Disney's All-Star Sports Resort!

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